Excessive Sweating of Underarms or Axillary Hyperhidrosis involves extreme dripping sweat in the armpits with associated odor that is usually resistant to all deodorants. Sufferers often experience excessive sweat dripping down the arms and chest, preventing them from wearing certain fabrics or colors. This also causes staining and rotting of clothing. Caused by the sympathetic nervous system’s over stimulation of the sweat glands, the condition may be aggravated by anxiety, but it can occur without it. Axillary sweating may be present alone or in conjunction with any or all other types of hyperhidrosis. Each patient has to be evaluated individually to determine if they are candidates for local excision or sympathectomy.
If the axillary sweating is isolated to underarms, the best way of management is marking the area of the most intense sweating, followed by injections of Botox. If a permanent cure is requested, one could undergo local excision of the involved skin. This results in more than 90% resolution of axillary hyperhidrosis. Scarring and discomfort is minimal, and there is rarely any compensatory sweating.