February 2022

Sweaty Palms? Don’t sweat it, we can help!

Why do my hands sweat so much, and what can I do about it? Every day, our bodies use perspiration to maintain constant internal temperature. This is regulated by the sympathetic nervous system, which controls the five million sweat glands in your body. About half of those glands are located in the hands. In the […]

See your breast results before your surgery!

“I’m thinking about implants, but unsure how i’ll look after the surgery” Many women feel this way. They know they want to fix an asymmetry, small breast volume, or change/replace their implants, but hesitant to move forward because they cannot imagine what their results may look like, what size they desire, etc. Luckily, we use

O shot as Featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine

As you know, most of the women who suffer with sexual dysfunction NEVER talk with their physician about their pain, urinary leakage, or decreased sensitivity/orgasms. In the same way that young men may be embarrassed to talk with their physician about sexual dysfunction and ask for Viagra, women may also be embarrassed to ask for an

New Research Demonstrates P-shot REALLY WORKS !!

To our amazing Estea Patient’s  If you know someone who could benefit from improved function in the marriage bed, here’s the cover from the Journal of Sexual Medicine that demonstrates that our P–Shot® procedure can help: Here’s where you can read the research<– We are licensed providers of the procedure and would love to talk with

Schedule a Consultation

What Happens In a Consultation?

01. Get to know the Estea team.
02. Help them understand you and your goals.
03. Learn about our services and specialties.

“The most amazing place and wonderful staff, thanks for all you've done. A perfect place for a surgery, they take care of you.”

- S.H.

How May We Help?

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Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.

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